I've got access to a pretty decent shoutcast stream with 1500 slots. The stream is basically not used for like one or two years now, and a couple months ago I asked someone responsible for it if I could "lend" it to people who are interested in using it, just for the sake of not wasting such a brilliant stream, while there are great matches to be covered. Back then, I wrote this in a comment but nobody responded. This is a Headshot Radio stream (Poles will know what Headshot Media is). Headshot is currently more interested in their Internet TV station and actually no one really gives a rats ass about the radio stream. That's why nobody really uses it.

I thought that with QuakeLive Open Beta, more and more tournaments getting played, and absolutely no way of seeing the matches (no GTV), there might be English-speaking people who will be interested in commentary. I personally don't have enough time to shoutcast matches myself, although I'm a pretty experienced shoutcaster and I love it. Also, I've got absolutely no experience at all in shoutcasting in English.

To sum up, what I'm looking for is people interested in commenting QuakeLive tournaments, on a regular basis and by shoutcast.

What I can offer is a great medium for that purpose. After me or my friend will listen to you in action and decide it is worth working with you, we'll see if there is any interest in people that actually wanting to hear it.

You might just pm me or write a comment below if you're interested.