I can't say my opinions have changed after seeing the SK Tourney but I must say, I was really disappointed by a lot of player behaviors. even rapha had a behavior I really didnt like. I think strenx was demanding a lot for a restart at the dm13 situation but it was still really nasty the way rapha would bitch about items not picking up on t7 after he died, and the whole sound pick up glitch, like shut the fuck up. strenx also I hate his personality so much. Matr0x / pawelek was really funny though. When cooller asked what he doesn't like about strenx, matr0x said, he really doesn't like strenx. And cooller asked, "What do you find really unlikeable about him?" and Matrox said ingame? I hate his 80% rail and 45% LG! Haha, funny guy :)