Ive been not going to the gym in a long time and I actually had soda this week. I feel really bad about the decision so today, I ran a lot... like I suck at running and I went pretty damn far for an hour straight and was so tired I walked most of the way back.

I think Im going to not only become pro at this game but I honestly feel like if ESR doesnt hire me, Ill become a VIP soon, hell if geniuses like Jamerio are able to do it, maybe I wont make it up there, but I honestly want to grow up and start acting like a big boy and start writing columns like xou and stuff. I feel ready to take the responsibility of a VIP and start posting honest and sincere stuff (like I always do but more honest). Times are getting tough, Im failing a bunch of courses but its okay, I have this game as my backup plan and itll be in its fullest when I retire from college. So far, I havent had an easy lay in a long time. These girls just wont put out and I actually got my face slapped and she missed my nuts with a kick though. I dont get girls, like she was flirting with me so much, it was inevitable for me to come on to her and apparently her TOUGH BIG BOYFRIEND wants to fuck me up...whatever the kid is probably all talk though i am a little afraid, I dont like random people starting shit with me so I hope I can get the record straight, she was drunk, I didnt do anything, we good.

I feel pretty nerdy playing this game, everyday I keep telling myself to quit and like spend even more time smoking or going to the gym or doing my large stacks of homework/laundry/dishes. But life is tough and this game seems to be still as fun as it always was. I hope someone who has successfully quit quake can comment, though I doubt it, ESR is like the place were we can all talk about our love of quake and stuff, I doubt anyone has quit, except Jamerio, but he's like a different kind of person, smarter than us and everything, and an engima. I wish I could meet Jamerio and Lexer and maybe strenx, he seems on the normal / smart side. And prozac, that guy knows how to just make being a nerd look muscular and fun. and Id love if avek can tell me what he eats and what sort of exercises he does, he is getting pretty toned, much faster than me and I go a lot