Event: DHS'12
A month after DH Summer 2012 LAN Quake Live tourney took place, I would like to present my newest movie, a sequel to the well received The afterspray. As the original, it's also a frag highlight movie from a duel LAN tournament.The video itself is short, simple and sort of unique. I did my best to pick and show only the best frags. Enjoy=) Due to low quality on YouTube, downloading is highly recommended! P.S.: I want to finish another movie project before fall. If you want to be up to date, follow my blog =)
Previous movies: Zero, Seventeen, Afterspray, PixelBeat
Links: My blog
- Movie File (Stream) 0MB
- Movie File (The afterspray 2 - DreamHack) 142MB
- MaverickServers.com (200 clicks)
Edited by Badb0y at 07:46 CDT, 19 July 2012 - 33763 Hits