Okay, I offer a challenge to any of the whining bitches*** on this site:

Organize a regional Quake 3 LAN tournament that has at least 16 people show up. Do it for free or with a minimal entry fee to cover property. Then do it again every 3-6 months.

Until you ungrateful fucks get over yourselves, and start contributing more than complaints to the so-called community, the tournaments will continue to shrivel into something resembling your testes.

And please, will everyone agree that the phrase "Professional Gamer" is dead for Quake players? Other games, sure, but you've gotta roll 3rd world* to be living off of Quake tournaments these last few years.

* No offense to our 3rd world friends! And also, this obviously excludes Toxjq!

*** EDIT: This is directed at all the hate on the Quakecon tournaments, not everyone on this site. If you're already keeping your scene alive, keep it up :D