Here is the foundation for a new, superior language. What I have done is grouped similar things, using, more or less, suffixes to define sameness and prefixes to define difference.

Ori's = colors

Aori = orange
Bori = blue
Gori = green
Pori = purple
Rori = red
Tori = turquoise
Vori = violet
Wori = white
Yori = yellow

Egra's = animals

Begra = bat
Cegra = cat
Degra = dog
Fegra = ferret
Gegra = goat
Haegra = hawk
Iegra = iguana
Jegra = jaguar
Legra = lion
Megra = mouse
Oaegra = owl
Paegra = parrot
Segra = snake
Tegra = tiger
Wegra = weasel
Zegra = zebra

What i've done here is, using different prefixes, assigned each animal to its different domain. Flying creatures use a prefix such as Haegra, Oaegra or Paegra, as opposed to simply using Hegra, Oegra, or Pegra.

Ila = fruit (ila pronounced as ilya)

Aila = orange
Bila = banana
Pila = pear
Rila = raspberry
Sila = strawberry

Ina = vegetable (ina pronounced as inya)

Bina = beans
Cina = cabbage
Fina = fennel
Gina = garlic
Lina = lettuce
Mina = mushroom
Pina = potato
Tina = tomato

Aked = liquid (pronounced ah-ked)

Waked = water
Maked = mercury
Paked = petrol

If you wanted orange juice, you would say 'aila aked'. If you wanted orange liquid, you would say 'aori aked'.

The fact is, current languages are ridiculously convoluted. In being inspired by Euskara, I have concluded other languages to be pointlessly complex. A simple system of prefix and suffix, appropriately apportioned, form a far greater, easier to learn, more efficient and more intelligent language than anything previously used. Yellow, red and green have nothing linguistically to do with each other, yet are all colors. With the foundation I have created, an entirely new, better language can easily be fully formed.