[11:29]<Syncerror>Hey Potat, I have something hilarious I need you to post to esr.
[11:30]<QuakeIsPotat> Oh yea Sync, what's that?
[11:30]<Syncerror> www.sendspace/file/spongecokehead.avi ...lol
[11:42]<QuakeIsPotat> Lol that is fucking gold! Uploading to Youtube now!!!
[11:43]<Syncerror> Lol. QL3.0 Lol
This one was perfectly written tho.
I nearly died laughing and just as I managed to catch some breath and thought it was over, he asked "Wanna hear about QL 3.0?"
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Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Error: You have already judged this post
Session Start: Fri Feb 20 02:30:43 2015
Session Ident: #quakelive
diabz[[email protected]] has joined #quakelive
::: Topic is 'QL is back up, we are monitoring it for further attacks. If you have problems connecting, you may need to flush your DNS cache on your router and computer.'
::: Sat Jan 31 11:24:07 2015
[o: 5][v: 0][n: 315][t: 320][m: +tncCNuT]
Created Sat Jan 05 10:08:42 2008
(diabz) hello
(diabz) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJWBm6rJE6Q
<YouTube> Title: Interview with Syncerror about loadouts and the steam launch :: Duration: 3m 21s :: Comments: 0 :: Views: 1,567 :: Rating: 96%
(diabz) goodbye
Session Close: Fri Feb 20 02:31:16 2015
Session Start: Fri Feb 20 02:32:33 2015
Session Ident: #quakelive
diabz[[email protected]] has joined #quakelive
::: Topic is 'QL is back up, we are monitoring it for further attacks. If you have problems connecting, you may need to flush your DNS cache on your router and computer.'
::: Sat Jan 31 11:24:07 2015
[o: 5][v: 0][n: 315][t: 320][m: +tncCNuT]
Created Sat Jan 05 10:08:42 2008
(diabz) oh
(diabz) is sponge there?
(diabz) lol
rocketme [[email protected]] has parted #quakelive
(diabz) how good is that video sponge
[mode/#quakelive(+b *!*@ppp118-208-6-4.lns20.bne7.internode.on.net)]by Q
#quakelive You were kicked off #quakelive by Q (Banned.)
Session Close: Fri Feb 20 02:33:25 2015
If that's a real IRC log , and they can't take this, then they act like some other organisations who ban/punish people for their jokes, based on criticism of real negative circumstances.
ShadyVoltaire: http://steamcharts.com/app/282440
ShadyVoltaire: pidorasy pozornie))))))))))))
Aids: +1
ShadyVoltaire: soon they'll have fewer numbers than e-
Aids: player % keep dropping...not enough loadouts
Aids: am want foreskin for my lazery with statrack
ShadyVoltaire: developers not allowed to add stat-track or even custom foreskin cos legal team constraints and also because NO MOZG... even though you can add them yourself or in q3 :D
Aids: ikr. stupid cunts
ShadyVoltaire: all who is MEN left company anyway. Todd Hollenshead=MEN... fired, John Carmack=MEN... forced out (moved to better company (Occulus was sell to FUCEBOOK FOR 10 BILLION DORRAR is not joke or trole it was realy happen))
Aids: is oke they have lysiy (nb: "bald") pidoras
ShadyVoltaire: lysiy pidoras is not his fault is genetics cos his broheim Bruce (nb: Willis)=lisiy
Aids: genetics wery
ShadyVoltaire: so Tim (nb: WILLITS with a T) also lisiy
ShadyVoltaire: is not his fault, he's originally from ZENIMAX and is evil faceless corporation
ShadyVoltaire: and are led by either AI computer who is evil, or jew lizards from outer space or maybe both
ShadyVoltaire: and computer artificial intelligence was pick up signal from Reptilian Semite masters from outer space and it was say "HEY WILLITS XAXAXAXA IF YOU WANT BE IN CHARGE OF IDIOT SOFTWARE THEN YOU MUST LOOK LIKE MY XYN :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" as joke
ShadyVoltaire: but he retard so not understand joke so he become lisiy and also have HOMOSEX
ShadyVoltaire: Which means his appearance and activity is synonymous with the XYN of whoever was write (am think is was lizard from Alpha Centauri with homosexual tendencies)
ShadyVoltaire: true story
Aids: damn son
Aids: 8/10
ShadyVoltaire: why only 8? :C
Aids: because he already was XYN to begin with
ShadyVoltaire: not in this story you dumb cunt HE WAS HAVE HAIR
Edited by ShadyVoltaire at 14:23 CST, 19 February 2015
Is it true the Palestinians are related to the Philistines, who were of the Anakim,the sons of Anak, who were offspring of the Nephilim...the fallen Angels? If so, shouldn't the descendants of an intellectually superior yet spiritually inferior race have better weapons than rocks to throw at your tanks?
Is this also why the Palestinians are looked at as sub-human animals because of their genetic heritage to the abominations created after the fallen ones, the nephal, came into the daughters of men?
Also this is one of the misunderstood subjects retard atheists like to bring up using it as an argument to the contradictions of the bible. How could a loving God order the Israelites to slaughter whole cities, man, woman, child and livestock while simultaneously ordering them to only conquer other cities but spare the people.
Seems contradictory right? In order to ensure the birth of the Messiah no Nephilim DNA could be mixed in with the seed of Abraham. Without pure human DNA... no Messiah. So if you look at Which cities/peoples were ordered to be slaughtered, they have a direct genetic link to the Nephilim. But niggaz wanna misquote shit because they didn't read the book.
Is this a documentary? To think some of you jesters actually defended those inept idiots for so long. Hall of Fame in the Corridor of Broken Dreams. RIP
or because currently esr is hollow form of what it was few years ago. Instead of transitioning to QC and all it's content/what it have to offer - everyone stubbornly refused to do so and to post content towards the newer quake (to the point that even major tournaments don't have any presence) and thus there are few troll threads and nothing more to discuss, because surprise - QC is the only quake where something happens frequently enough to produce discussions.
There is pro league every f week, but nnoooo - we talked so much in zotac events back in the days, now noone gives a f to even post news article. HF GL no re
It's more quake than what Q4 was at release tho. What's not quake-ish in it? Because it's not literally q3/ql with better graphics? Yes, it was really bad at release, but RN it have normal duel, good maps, kinda balanced too. First quake I played 24/7 was Q2 -> q3 -> q3 osp -> q3 cpma -> q4+q1 -> ql ->QC. To sum it up it's close to 20 years of quake, I should be pretty capable to tell if QC is quake by feel or not. You are either super biased, trolling or angry that you don't have a PC that can run it even semi decently (yes, QC engine is shit even if good looking, but also yes - you can bruteforce the issue with powerful enough PC).
It's more quake than what Q4 was at release tho. What's not quake-ish in it? Because it's not literally q3/ql with better graphics? Yes, it was really bad at release, but RN it have normal duel, good maps, kinda balanced too. First quake I played 24/7 was Q2 -> q3 -> q3 osp -> q3 cpma -> q4+q1 -> ql ->QC. To sum it up it's close to 20 years of quake, I should be pretty capable to tell if QC is quake by feel or not. You are either super biased, trolling or angry that you don't have a PC that can run it even semi decently (yes, QC engine is shit even if good looking, but also yes - you can bruteforce the issue with powerful enough PC).
It's more quake than what Q4 was at release tho. What's not quake-ish in it? Because it's not literally q3/ql with better graphics? Yes, it was really bad at release, but RN it have normal duel, good maps, kinda balanced too. First quake I played 24/7 was Q2 -> q3 -> q3 osp -> q3 cpma -> q4+q1 -> ql ->QC. To sum it up it's close to 20 years of quake, I should be pretty capable to tell if QC is quake by feel or not. You are either super biased, trolling or angry that you don't have a PC that can run it even semi decently (yes, QC engine is shit even if good looking, but also yes - you can bruteforce the issue with powerful enough PC).
QC kinda sucks, and when you get excited enough to post about it everyone's like 'lul QC'. In the end people just didn't feel like it, and those who did did it elsewhere
I would argue that QL sucks more without tournaments and pro scene. That said gameplay wise I prefer QL over QC, but that doesn't mean QC is super bad or anything like that + it's totally fun to watch pro players competing in the game.
QC is pretty bad for technical reasons imo. Gameplay wise there's issues but they're not the worst. And it is fun to watch the pros play, and fun to play yourself. We're not far from eachother in these senses.
the engine is trash.. only if they used idtech 6 (doom 2016 engine). :/
To put it into perspective how bad it is, when I changed my 3600X for 5900X the performance in QC improved massively and I am not only talking about the doubled FPS (from 200 to 400 and still can't max my 5700XT @ low settings), no no and that's not the important part. What improved are those microstutters I had. Now they are basically gone... but how many years it took and what CPU it needs to have a smooth experience? Absurd, it's really bad and basically 5900X is bruteforcing the sh*t engine. 3600X gave decent experience, but totally there were hiccups here and there.
ok, good point. how does it compare to fortnite/pubg/valorant/overwatch/apex then? From what I read it's not easy to hit stable high fps in these games neither, and it's not like they have next gen graphics compared to qc.
pubg/apex bad, ow and valorant good (not so sure about the second).
fortnite prob has the lowest input lag of all engines, with csgo.
But fn/pubg/apex are battleroyale on 100x larger maps than qc lol, hard to compare
Just googled some benchmarks with my gpu, gtx 1080. Overwatch seems to have similar fps as qc, if not lower. And it's an older game. Fortnite can't keep stable 240 fps (sometimes jumps over 300, other times below 180) on lowest settings. I haven't played qc that much but it seems to hold stable 240 on old maps (some newer ones gave me drops in ffa).
Here with ryzen+580, 1080p: apex 90-110 (768p for 144fps, but it works better on nvidia), qc around 150-180 with stuttering/memory leak after 2-3 games, ow 150-200 ok, csgo 300+, dbc 250, ql 125 still the smoothest experience.
Scared to try pubg :)
So whole criticism is about stuttering? Because fps is in line with other games based on release date. I see, I didn't have a chance to experience it earlier with weaker hw.
Yes, micro stutters. I had to change my 3600x with 5900x to really remove those. Not to say that with 3600x was that bad, but here and there - was not perfectly smooth. It's not the best engine, but naturally at some point the hardware will bruteforce over the issue like rn my CPU do.
I don't know what it's like in its current state, but when I gave it another try roughly around a year ago I think - it didn't feel great.
It was cool because it's new and quite different to conventional quake, but when I stopped playing after around 4 hours and loaded up Quakelive; Quakelive just felt better in pretty much every way gameplay wise.
I must clarify again, it might've changed since I touched it a long time ago, I'm just going off my experience from a year or two ago... I hope it's improved a lot as I actually liked the champion abilities.
Edited by THEENDHITTT at 12:10 CST, 23 February 2021
I can't get past watching 5 minutes of any game with any of the top players. There seems to be no creativity in the game. Just run the items because timing has become braindead easy. Chip damage with certain characters and their abilities and get a few kills.
I would not say that for the pros timing in QL was any harder or that they did something different - controlling the map and circling the items is normal from Q1 till QC.
You'd be surprised at the differences with 25s armor and 35s mh respawn. 10 second windows to prep attacks make a massive difference, especially when you're delaying and setting up traps.
You can't ever get over stacked in QC. Most characters have a lower hp/armor cap so there's no real advantage.
The window doesn't matter as you will delay items in QC too and they will desync anyway. Actually why I even bother to discuss this with you, but it's funny how you try to "teach" basic stuff to 2300 elo player in QL and over 15 years of 24/7 quake duels.
As for QC - you can overstack as light champion and this makes a difference (the fact that you can't take small armor after you got X stack is nothing new in quake). Yes, you can't be as stacked as med/heavy champs, but you can bring the gap + light champs are a lot harder to hit long range vs the opposite for heavy. So it's actually quite balanced in a way with the different stack max + champ size/movement, but you will never know till you actually play a lot of QC and I highly doubt you did that recently. ;)
Did your fragile little ego feel the need to try and assert your 2300 elo status. Haha, man you're weak as fuck dropping elo as a measurement for knowledge.
Oddly I find it quite entertaining and engaging to watch/spectate but playing is a bit of a drag tbh unless it's changed for the better as I'm still going off my experiences a year or two ago.
QC is like a turd that is still clogged in the toilet, people would rather just play with that wet turd still than accept that there are better games than QC, and yes i'm talking about DBT and QL that are better than QC..
Edited by Vig1lante at 21:42 CST, 23 February 2021
This is purely subjective tho and not all about gameplay. Gameplay wise I would say QL/Q3 CPMA, but if you want to pretend that you are competing - QC atleast can give you that sense + you can look at the top players and aim towards their skill. QL? Last few times I checked all the regulars RN there are literally average players from back when I last played it + it's player base is less than half what QC got (and it's already slim). So while I love QL/Q3 - QC is not that bad when you count all the weights.
For DBT, don't make me laugh - it's super niche and will never get a grip. Not to bash the effort, but it's another reflex/warsow/etc - dead on arrival quake clone.