Good news for our 125FPS February League - prize pool increased to
35000RUR (~$1100), yahooo! Big thanks to our new sponsor Alexey A from Moscow region.
1st place 15000RUR (~$500)
2nd place 7500RUR (~$250)
3th place 4500RUR (~$150)
4th place 2500RUR (~$83)
5-8 places 1000RUR (~$33)
9-12 places 200RUR (~$7)
additional prizes provided by id software (!) - 1-8 places will receive tokens for pro/premium accounts on quakelive! SPecial thanks to Syncerror and the id software staff for this
The second group stage has been played, and the groups appear as this (players listed by their respective placings, players highlighted in bold have qualified to the play-off berch.
Group A: _ash and evil , defcut, sothis
Group B: uaReaper and etty , cooller, hakuna
Group C: Pavel_, bpatela, 060718, t1e
Group D: dem0n, xronya, arseny_, ins
Groups A, B and D were streamed by UndeadZerg (big thanks), you can find the cup VODs or just tune in to Zerg's streams of Quake/DOTA
Group C was streamed by
Shadow @ Pyton @
Should you have any additional questions or queries, send an email to
[email protected] or contact admins (yavich, rell, xron, nico) at irc channel #125fps at
25th February
_Ash -

bpatela 3:0 (t7 6:4, silence 13:12, tox 19:7) demos
26th February
Evil -

Reaper 3-2 (t7 7:12, aw 20:1, sil 12-9, lw 3:6, tox 20:-1) vod
here[ from 2:29:25
27th February
dem0n -

etty 3:0 (t7 16:5, tox 19:4, sil 13:10), vod
here from 2:52:30
28th February
pavel -

Xron 3:0 (t7 10:7, aw 25:4, tox 28:1) vod
here from 4:17:30
semis and final will playing
2 march 20:00MSK (17:00CET)

_Ash -


dem0n -

main post about final day
Useful Links: Cup Website Knockout Stage Brackets,
#125fps, cup's
For prize money and tokens contact me at
[email protected]