Following his quarter-final victory over
![Sweden Sweden](/images/player/flag/123.gif)
![Poland Poland](/images/player/flag/107.gif)
Maciek '
av3k' Krzykowski discussed his thoughts on his performance in the IEM V European Championship Finals so far and looked towards his matchup against
![Belarus Belarus](/images/player/flag/14.gif)
Cypher in the semi-finals.
What does av3k guess is the key
![France France](/images/player/flag/52.gif)
Strenx said he had figured out to defeating the Pole? Why is av3k one of the only people who can beat Cypher right now? In what way does av3k seek to return to the top of Quake?
The interview can be viewed at
SK Gaming
av3k: He was in Group A, Yes? Or B?
interviewer: B, Group B, Yeah
av3k: With cooller and cypher, Yes?
interviewer: .. and noctis.