The server admin from just added punkbuster to their servers. Want a good laugh? Look at some of the settings punkbuster kicks for.

cg_bobpitch = "0.002" : must be EQUAL to 0.002 (OK)
cg_bobroll = "0.002" : must be EQUAL to 0.002 (OK)
cg_bobup = "0.005" : must be EQUAL to 0.005 (OK)
cg_errordecay = "100" : must be INSIDE 0 to 500 (OK)
cg_forceModel = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
cg_fov = "90" : must be INSIDE 90 to 110 (OK)
cg_shadows = "1" : must be INSIDE 0 to 1 (OK)
cg_thirdperson = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
cg_zoomfov = "22.5" : must be INSIDE 22.5 to 90 (OK)
cl_avidemo = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
cl_forceavidemo = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
cl_freelook = "1" : must be EQUAL to 1 (OK)
cl_maxpackets = "60" : must be INSIDE 30 to 125 (OK)
cl_punkbuster = "1" : must be EQUAL to 1 (OK)
cl_timenudge = "0" : must be INSIDE -20 to 20 (OK)
com_maxfps = "100" : must be INSIDE 30 to 125 (OK)
m_pitch = "0.022000" : must be OUTSIDE -0.011 to 0.011 (OK)
m_yaw = "0.022" : must be EQUAL to 0.022 (OK)
r_flares = "0" : must be INSIDE 0 to 1 (OK)
r_fullbright = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
r_gamma = "1.1" : must be INSIDE 0 to 2 (OK)
r_gamma = "1.1" : must NOT be EQUAL to 1.34375 (OK)
r_intensity = "1.1" : must be INSIDE 1 to 1.5 (OK)
r_lightmap = "0" : must be EQUAL to 0 (OK)
r_lodbias = "-2" : must be INSIDE -200 to 0 (OK)
r_mapoverbrightbits = "2" : must be INSIDE 0 to 3 (OK)
r_maxpolys = "600" : must NOT be EQUAL to 1800 (OK)
r_maxpolyverts = "3000" : must NOT be EQUAL to 9000 (OK)
r_overBrightBits = "1" : must be INSIDE 0 to 1 (OK)
r_picmip = "0" : must be INSIDE 0 to 3 (OK)
r_primitives = "0" : must be INSIDE 0 to 2 (OK)
r_subdivisions = "1" : must be INSIDE 0 to 20 (OK)
rate = "80000" : must be INSIDE 3000 to 80000 (OK)
sensitivity = "18" : must be INSIDE -50 to 50 (OK)
snaps = "30" : must be INSIDE 20 to 40 (OK)