There is Hex Workshop's screenshot of Q4Max 0.76b demo recorded on dedicated server. (450 KB)
You may notice the header where all the paks are listed in string format containing full path for every pak on client machine where this demo was recorded. But after every string like that there is something else (underlined red) - 8 0x00 numbers (or 16 0x0). It seems like they stand for the control sum or whatever. The only hint is that every such a number is represented in xxxxxxxxxx000000 format (last 6 signs are zeros - outline red).
If I need to add custom gfx or skins, I need to recompile zz-q4max-media-076b.pk4 and rewrite its new custom control sum (if thats it) or to add the new pak in this list with its control sum. Could somebody check my supposition about control sum? :>

P.S I tried to add custom gib.fx in folder (without adding to pak - just remained in-folder orders) but I just missed any gibs during the game (if I remove these folders - in-game gibs come back again) - mb its pure server issue.

P.P.S. Yesterday I posted some beta config pics:
need your feedback :>