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02:45 CST - 733 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
jian Zotac QL Cup Mappool Blood Run
Lost World
House of Decay
jian Best spectator 1v1 map [1] T7
[2] T9
[3] ZTN
[4] DM6
[5] DM13
jian 2nd player for CB CTF All-star game ? GER_xtro
jian DevPick Servers: Apr. 16-18 I'd rather see new maps
jian When did you start visiting ESReality? 2005
jian What cg_fov for ESL-TV stream? cg_fov 115
jian What r_picmip for ESL-TV stream? r_picmip 0 (Highest quality)
jian Why noctis left EMS4? Cause he's emo (top choice so far)
jian Clanbase QuakeLive TDM settings Change to Q3-ish settings
jian Lightning gun damage? 7-6-6
jian Does kgb cheat? I can't decide! (don't care)
jian ESWC Q3 maplist poll Replace two maps
Use pukka3tourney2
Keep pro-q3dm6
jian What did you get for Xmas? Clothing
jian US presidential election, 2008 Barack Obama
jian Who will win ESWC MoA Cypher
jian Favorite gameplay based on Q3? cpma vq3
jian Who will one day win a big tournament ? Jibo
jian ESWC maps Pro-q3dm6
jian Who will win ESWC? [1] Cypher
[2] RazerJ
[3] rapha
jian GameGune Top 3 Predictions [1] fojji
[2] Av3k
[3] noctis
jian The future of OSP and VQ3 CPMA does the job
jian GameGune Q3 Allstars Poll LoSt-CaUzE
jian cg_fov in CPM >120
jian Severity... Will have a PainKiller sized community
jian eSport coverage site: Your Pick ESReality
jian vq3 vs CPM, OSP vs CPMA CPMA CPM
jian CPL to use 2ms TFT Screens I hate playing on TFT
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