•2017 Release
• Quake Champions will have Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch. They're are also working on a team based Mode for E-Sports
•id thinks that 5v5 is the optimal player number for a team based mode
•Every Champion will have a passive ability that affects its movement and every champion will have an active special ability. For example the hero Ranger from the teaser can throw a "Dire Orb" and can teleport to its location. So are Telefrags possible?
•The champions don't have a special weapons. Also there is no loadout like in Doom. Instead are all weapons and Items on the map as pickups
•Rocket Launcher, Railgun and Lighting Gun are in Quake Champions
•A "classic" mods without Champions is not planned. But it is possible
•In Quake Champions there will be Matchmaking, a Ranking System and Seasons.
•Quake Champions will focus on E-Sports. This include special game modes, a Spectator modes and Tournaments organized and sponsored by id and Bethesda
•Quake Champion could be Free2Play. But it isn't sure. They are testing a various of business models. The developer want the big as possible player base for the game
•2017 Release
• Quake Champions will have Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch. They're are also working on a team based Mode for E-Sports
•id thinks that 5v5 is the optimal player number for a team based mode
•Every Champion will have a passive ability that affects its movement and every champion will have an active special ability. For example the hero Ranger from the teaser can throw a "Dire Orb" and can teleport to its location. So are Telefrags possible?
•The champions don't have a special weapons. Also there is no loadout like in Doom. Instead are all weapons and Items on the map as pickups
•Rocket Launcher, Railgun and Lighting Gun are in Quake Champions
•A "classic" mods without Champions is not planned. But it is possible
•In Quake Champions there will be Matchmaking, a Ranking System and Seasons.
•Quake Champions will focus on E-Sports. This include special game modes, a Spectator modes and Tournaments organized and sponsored by id and Bethesda
•Quake Champion could be Free2Play. But it isn't sure. They are testing a various of business models. The developer want the big as possible player base for the game
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