Hi all, this is my first post here, and well.. what is better than to start with some drama. So I played 2 guys yesterday (knzud and firefox) who had some fishy gameplay. I decided to stalk them a bit and record some demo's.

So firefox i haven't seen anymore, so im not confident that my demo's on him can bring forth anything but useless discussions, so well.. yerr free to go xD?

this little guy is trashtalking and obviously wallhacking, he is (i think) also very bad, therefor he dies allot or he is doing to cover up (he knew i was recording him as i was warning some other people).

watch the demo with [r_shownormals 1] to see what i mean.

I don't know how to report / I would like to, but i'm a total noob when it comes to the community ^^
so if you have any tips or how to get him banned (IP rather than account) please let me know.