SilentGamers Quake II 1v1 Classic Cup

Don’t miss out on the Gibby Goodness! and SIGNUP today!


SilentGamers presents the Quake II Classic Duel Tournament, a 32 player double elimination duel cup. The tournament has been generously sponsored by global gamers with the first prize winner receiving a Razer Lachesis mouse. Also 2nd place winner receiving a Razer Deathadder mouse GlobalGamers is an irc network for gamers and information can be found at Additionally, sponsor has provided 3rd place with a prize of a Razer Goliathus Fragged Control Edition Gaming Mouse Mat. Also, will be providing video broadcasting and servers for the event. is a thriving community built around Quake II, and is more than happy to display just how alive it is even today.

Thanks to everyone involved, and all the players who have signed up.

Bracket can be view here at Bracket

Don’t have Quake II anymore? You can download the Q2Kicker from
Q2Kicker is a modified demo version of Quake II which has everything you need to get started, including a config with team binds, weapon aliases, etc. Even comes with brightskins and optional graphical paks!

To download a .zip file of the maps for this tourney click:here

Quake II Classic Duel Tournament Rules can be found here

So far players have signed up: (30/32)