Someone should take a look behind Taylor Swift's ear-lobes: behind the right, it says 'Made in Japan'; behind the left, it has a serial code (both tattooed in invisible ink).

The music industry is a mess. It is full of corruption. They give awards to white, country singers only because they are white and country. I can't fathom why rednecks love themselves so much, but without question... dumb, toothless hicks like them have no future. I guess it's some kind of 'common-person' pride. And like Schopenhauer said, "The common-man fancies himself as the hero.". Unfortunately though for rednecks, dentistry is making great strides.

There once was a time when music was not driven by profit-margins. Yes, at that stage, music was an art-form. It had nothing to do with sex, drugs, violence, politics, vanity or money.

On a completely different subject: After the Saints win the super-bowl, everyone should go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. And you have to do it New Orleans style by forgetting Valentine's day even exists.