I have come to the realization that i think i might be ready to admit the the WMO is out dated and a hinder in performance.

How what why did i come to the conclusion?

I was messing about in my familys 27 inch IMac with a 20 euro Logitech wireless mouse, i ended up on the reaction time tester found here http://www.humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime/

I am "old" (26) and slow so i get like 220 ms average when im fresh and like 260ish when im drunk, stoned, tired or just not feeling great. My brother is 5 years younger and he always averaged 180-220ms under the above circumstances roughly.

We both scored a good 30-50ms faster using far inferior setup and my only and instant feeling is the WMO mouse click is a lot heavier and harder, more defined ect. And its shown in CSGO that if your not fast and hard with your 1 taps you can easily shoot 2 bullets when not trying to burst.

So i compare what i know, 144hz BenQ, i7 4770k/4790k + 970/780ti gpu sitting ready to game on both our setups. WMO @ 500hz


2009 27 inch i5 imac with 2500xwhatever resolution at 60hz while standing up and laughing at the wireless mouse.

There has to be at least 20ms or more added time on the imac? or am i looking at things illogically?

This is nothing more then food for thought, and if you are interested in proving this correct or even false i challenge all of you to get all your spares or old gaming mice out and do at least 3 or so 5 click tests and post the averages between them all. This will only work properly if done one after another ect witin 10-20 mins and not hours.

I would really be interested in what people say and find, WMO still the best weight, best size, best or equal sensor, but the scroll wheel is garbage and it seams the mouse clickers might be inferior.

If i were to have to explain it even though my DA 2013 feels like a whale the clicker feels easier and gradual as where the WMO is more hard style click.

./troll away if you must

if i missed anything sorry