Most read threads:
Liquid Dahang!! (3393 hits)
125 FPS SUNDAY CUP#34 (SEASON#29) (1458 hits)
Fucking with Zhu? (1422 hits)
EU DNF Low Skill Duel Cup (1242 hits)
Two things I'd still like to see in QL (1198 hits)
Most commented threads:
Liquid Dahang!! (60 comments) by Derb_
DUEL: SELECTABLE SPAWNS (33 comments) by wwwAnyBoy
QUAKE PROS WHO DATED CELEBRITIES? (30 comments) by atfab
QuakeLive Old Maps Online Duel Cup #18 (22 comments) by Nico_QD
Quake Live - North American Duel Cup #17 (22 comments) by phy1um
Most Popular Users:
sonic (92% popular)
Meph1stoo (92% popular)
flair (91% popular)
nsx0r (90% popular)
Nico_QD (90% popular)
Most Popular Threads:
Map of Quake Live Servers (52% popular) by Danmer
Quake Live - Guide to weapons (50% popular) by ika
Quake Live - North American Duel Cup #17 (48% popular) by phy1um
EU DNF Low Skill Duel Cup (25% popular) by CrazyAl
signed 500/1000hz driver (21% popular) by ewh
Most Popular Comments:
Re: Liquid Dahang!! (64% popular) by DaHanG
Re: Germany (36% popular) by qwih
Re: 125 FPS Sunday Cup#33 (Season#29) (34% popular) by Lord_Jellington
Re: Liquid Dahang!! (31% popular) by evilbollweevil
Re: QuakeLive Old Maps Online Duel Cup # (30% popular) by hauer
Popularity Climbers:
sonic (63 +'s)
nsx0r (59 +'s)
flair (43 +'s)
xou (36 +'s)
Nico_QD (23 +'s)
4457 Hits