I got a 1.1a out of curiosity, because it's apparently good. I say apparently.

my verdict: shit.


1. Cable - is a big fat worm-sized peice of sticky shit. It's so big and fat, and sticky, that it actually impedes mouse movement, it's like aiming in a swamp.

2. Buttons - so light it's almost unbelievable, you could breathe on them and they click. No joke - I tested dropping the mouse 1cm on to my mousepad, and the right click and left click both activated at once, by themselves. The mere force of dropping the mouse 1cm activates them.

This is mainly it. Someone tell me I'm using a dodgy ripoff version made in some back-room facility in Zimbabwe or something, because I cannot believe the two world champions of quake use this crap.

I got it from that 'reputable' person recommended on ESR which I read in: http://www.esreality.com/post/2494279/buy-real-wmos-where/
Last 4 digits are: 1142, looks legit.

Ok, thats my in-depth review.