Around two and a half months back I bought myself a PC and with it a BenQ 2411t. Then, I switched from playing on my notebook to the PC completely. It felt very weird in the beginning, but I did not really question that (blamed it on not being used to the setup). After a while, I got used to that (or so I thought). All I changed in my config was the resolution (from native 1600:900 to native 1920:1080) and I upped the fov a little bit, since the screen is bigger. So after somewhat two months I played some on my notebook again... And it felt like a completely different world... Way more responsive... Movement felt spot on, especially the mouse was doing pretty much exactly what I wanted. Then today, a day later, I am back at my PC and it feels completely like shit again... Only after a few hours on my notebook. Mouse responses feel very mushy, I move it too far or not enough all the time (On notebook start and finish of movement are sharp and precise, on PC it has no sharp onset and offset, but it feels like the movement fades in and out), I cannot hit with lg anymore (or so it feels) and all in all feel like a spastic compared to playing on the notebook...
What the heck is this? Playing on this PC with 120hz + lightboost monitor stinks compared to playing on the old notebook. What could be the problem? Software/Hardware/Config? Or is it all just placebo?
What the heck is this? Playing on this PC with 120hz + lightboost monitor stinks compared to playing on the old notebook. What could be the problem? Software/Hardware/Config? Or is it all just placebo?
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