I have been playing for years on a notebook, but recently bought a PC. The new screen is bigger and I started playing with a higher resolution (A neat ql-cfg looks incredible like this). Besides that I kept all settings the same (fov, pitch/yaw/sens/accel). On the one hand I am now for the first time on 120hz and together with bigger screen my aim got a bit better. But the general in-game-feel is very mushy and I can't really move well (it doesn't feel comfortable and I have less speed and less dodging), while on the notebook I have a very sharp and accurate feeling while playing. How come? Is it just because I am not used to the new setup or do I have to adjust some settings in my cfg to make the bigger screen/higher resolution-thing work for me? In other words: Does screensize or resolution have an influence on how sens/accel work out?
If I could bring the comfortable feeling and sharp feeling from the notebook to the better screen and combine it with the accuracy that comes with it, I would be in quake-heaven.