Alright guys, I've finally found the secret to the reason why Rapha dominated the Quake scene recently (except Quake Con, and I will tell you why he lost.) First of all, Rapha has been playing Quake for many, many years. For a majority of the time Rapha has not had any success in Quake. He is a known & proud catholic and probably a virgin, regardless..He is an extraordinary Quake player amongst the top players in the WORLD.

Rapha has told me he had lots of sin in his life and then converted over to Catholicism from Atheism. Now when was he involved in sin? That was Quake Con 2007, the year he got brutally owned by everyone, he wanted to win so bad but just didn't have the skill set to compete with the best of the best. & 1:12

In this video Rapha gets brutally owned by a Canadian aliased as ''Griffin'' It is reported that Rapha apparently wanted to quit Quake shortly after but he did not...

So one day a friend of his introduced him to the Catholic church.
Rapha was extremely fascinated by the bible, and converted over in 2007. Every day he prayed and prayed that he could become the best Quake player ever to set foot on earth. His dreams shortly came true, despite losing to horrible players in the NA duel scene, he pulled off one of the most amazing upsets in the history of e-sports entertainment...

Rapha joined a server in ''Quake 3'' and the map was called ''ZTN3TOURNEY1'' A.K.A ''BLOODRUN'' His opponent was the almighty and unbeatable Alexi ''Cypher'' Yanushitsky. Rapha miraculously owned Cypher by hiding in plasma/yellow room and occasionally hiding at jumped beside LG. Now, how does one of the shittiest players in Quake defeat the God of Quake? Some people say well because he is a Catholic and God & Jesus ghost for Rapha during tournaments through telepathic communication. Well no, that is absolutely ****** retarded.


THIS IS THE REAL REASON RAPHA HAS DOMINATED THE QUAKE SCENE FOR SO LONG. He is obviously a virgin Catholic and channels his rage and aggression through Quake. Through his winning streak he started to get cocky because he was winning so much. ( Although players like Cypher & Cooler were having so much sex at the time they had no desire to dominate Quake )

Think I'm crazy? Nope, look now Cypher has grown up now and he is not as young looking as before, which means he is not banging jail bait anymore. With people getting fatter every day the girls are starting to become more and more uglier which increases Cypher's sexual desire ( SEX TRANSMUTATION ) making him dominate Quake recently. Rapha has been getting to over confident with his praise as '' 5 steps ahead '' and all this baloney.

That is at least MY OPINION, sure it can be put up for debate, but because Rapha has been having so much sex with the trophy girls his sexual desire for Quake has declined.

So what have we learned? Not master baiting or having sex will increase your Quake skills. But how can we even further improve them? With the release of e-sports gaming drinks, mice and keyboards there is 1 forgotten tool that is not widely used.

Dam, I REALLY shouldn't tell you this guys but...I am a friend of toxjq's. I've lanned with him several times in Sweden and he is notorious for his LG and RAIL aim...Alright are you ready for toxjq's secret? .............................VIAGRA, YES toxjq is using Viagra along with adderal to shoot 50 % LG and shoot 80 % rail gun vs anyone in Quake 4.

We have played with Liefe ( the hot Quake goddess) and let me tell you, when toxjq was lanning liefe he had the biggest hard on I've ever seen in my life. It was a combination of adderal, Viagra and SEX TRANSMUTATION. He would be looking at liefes sexy legs and be popping so many boners, it would make his sexual transmutation so intense, that he would be shooting at times 70 % LG and 100 % rail in a 15 min game winning 110 | -3 on PHRANTIC.

Well guys now that I've given you the secrets to pro Quake you can stop having sex and master baiting, really I should be selling this secret for millions of dollars but wanted to give back to the Quake community. Anyways, GL & HF with this new secret, ~ Uriel