The Episode 6 of Arenas, "Last Stand", is now available exclusively on in three quality formats, including HD 720p. There are also subtitles available in English and Russian (check the flags below the video player).

Tritin Films has produced and animated Arenas: The Episodes - re-creation of the Quake 3 Arena and Doom 3 worlds, previously known as "Quake Rebellion". By following the character's action from gladiators to their pre-arena stories, we bring to life the full evolution of the Quake III Arena universe and all of it's icons. If you missed the previous episodes you can watch them in the official Arenas channel.

Episode 6 - "Last Stand" - Doom finds himself in the gladiator lobby with his first challenger, Visor. They share a story about the unconscious gladiator who revolves in the revival chamber. The story of Sarge.

Source: Tritin-Multimedia