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06:51 CDT - 1184 users online
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User Poll Choice
sanchi What r_picmip for ESL-TV stream? r_picmip 4
sanchi What cg_fov for ESL-TV stream? cg_fov 110
sanchi Which game mode do you play the most? Team Deathmatch
sanchi QL CTF Format 4v4
sanchi Which notable events do you remember? XSReality becoming ESReality
Cl0ck caught cheating
The Blue bug
Thresh outvoted as Greatest Gamer
ESReality Mousescore 2007
CPL Disbanding
sanchi Voice com for #cpmpickup games Yes, sometimes.
sanchi cg_fov in CPM multiple fovs depending on weapon
sanchi Does kgb cheat? No way! Shut up clan519
sanchi Do You Consider Gaming as a Sport? I think its similar, but no sport
sanchi US presidential election, 2008 Cooller
sanchi Who will win ESWC MoA Cypher
sanchi Favorite gameplay based on Q3? cmpa cpm
sanchi Who will one day win a big tournament ? vo0
sanchi Who will win ESWC? [1] Cypher
[2] rapha
[3] RazerJ
sanchi ESWC Finals top 3 predictions. [1] Cypher
[2] av3k
[3] RazerJ
sanchi The future of OSP and VQ3 CPMA does the job
sanchi Who do you WANT to win ESWC masters? vo0
sanchi GameGune Q3 Allstars Poll Vo0
sanchi Is Forever right? E-Drama
sanchi who would you rather be? Thresh at Red Annihilation (1997)
sanchi Quake Live CPM movements owns vq3 anyway
sanchi xerp poll xerp -1/0/1 allowed
sanchi vq3 vs CPM, OSP vs CPMA CPMA CPM
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