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DOGs/ Discord (59 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 17:04 GMT, 4 January 2021 - iMsg
Does anyone have a link to these guys/girls Discord server?

Got a bone to pick with one of the moron admins.

21735 Hits
The Book Readers Appreciation Society. (54 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 14:23 BST, 18 June 2018 - iMsg
You guys and girls read anything nice recently?

Fuck You Very Much: The surprising truth about why people are so rude. By Danny Wallace.
The Shining: By Stephen King.
Post Office: Charles Bukowski
Ernest Hemingway on Writing
Write To Sell: The Ultimate Guide to Great Copywriting.

Those are a few on my reading list at the moment, always trying to keep things fresh.

I'll read pretty much anything if I'm honest, so any suggestions will be good.
21759 Hits
Hard Pad Vs Cloth Pad (9 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 12:44 GMT, 27 December 2017 - iMsg
So I've got a Steelseries 9HD hard pad and it's really nice, I've also got a Logitech G440 hard pad for the G PRO and it is also really good in terms of glide etc.

However I do want to go back to a cloth pad, are their any new pads that are decent?

I had the Razer Goliathus back in the day as well as the QcK, so I'm dabbling with going back to that.

I'm all ears for suggestions though.

Main reason for going back to cloth though, the hard pads sound like fucking sandpaper when you're jamming on them.
6156 Hits
Call of Duty WW2 (35 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 12:40 GMT, 12 November 2017 - iMsg
Any of you friendly individuals jamming WW2?

Been smashing the 24/7 Carentan playlist on the PC.

So far I'm pretty impressed with the way the game plays.

I mainly snipe cause you know, rail gun eh?

I love hardpoint and domination, if any of you ever jammed COD2 Carentan was the shit.

The automatic rifles and smgs are kind easy as fuck to use, it's no fun dominating people, but rotating around the map with a few friends and forcing spawns is good fun.

I've personally always enjoyed the boots on the ground cod games from back in the day, especially cod 4 / promod.

So yeah, would be cool to know if any of you sexy bastards play.
10133 Hits
Scheduled listings (4 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 14:18 BST, 23 August 2017 - iMsg
Where's the count down for qcon?

cmon guys. I don't want to have to come back here every 3 mins and 12 seconds to see if there's any live streams ready etc.
5824 Hits
My impressions of Cake Champs. (53 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 11:54 BST, 23 August 2017 - iMsg
Got the steam release last night.

20 min install time so that was good.

The game crashed once due to my own doing to be honest.

Performance-wise it's seems a lot better.

LG feels a lot more brutal(?) or maybe placebo cause of 10 ping.

Doom guy is nice, in the movement and double jump, you can do some really cool little jumps without the nyx styled jump off of walls.

Rails seems to hit more but again, I know I've got that legit aim, so yeah. (?)

I haven't dabbled in the new maps as of yet but so far so good.

The skins and shit are pretty fun actually and the qcon lg sound is sick.

What's everyone elses thoughts on it so far?
Edited by sTPHN at 11:54 BST, 23 August 2017 - 15264 Hits
The Rap Appreciation Thread. (47 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 13:27 GMT, 19 January 2017 - iMsg
It does seem like we've got a nice variety of musical taste on this site.

So any of you plebs wanna post up some of your fav artists?

I've come a cross a dude called Earl Sweatshirt and he's pretty decent lyricist.
Appreciating the complexity of rhymes lately instead of the usual commercial bullshit too.
16502 Hits
Wow, this isn't Facebook. (29 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 10:58 GMT, 26 December 2016 - iMsg
I rarely use Facebook and just happen to log in and see all the R.I.P George Michael posts.

I mean come on esreality, why aren't there more of you posting R.I.P blogs and shit?

I am disappoint. :(
6943 Hits
Content Creators? (4 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 12:50 GMT, 7 December 2016 - iMsg
Are their any active content creators in the gaming community that are on this site?

I don't mean just the odd twitch stream and that's it.

I mean actively creating content like videos, blogs etc.

I know their are loads of creators for games like Dota 2, Cod and Bf1 but I'm looking for anyone who makes content for a variety of games.

Lemme know :p
Edited by sTPHN at 12:52 GMT, 7 December 2016 - 1196 Hits
Some regular duels? (31 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 11:38 BST, 19 June 2016 - iMsg
We all know with the advent of Overwatch coming up, a lot of people are making the switch due to various reasons.

However, finding a high level duel becomes rather difficult when you need to idle on a server for 45 mins before someone connects to only be welcomed by a new player who only knows walk. (Nothing wrong with that.)

Are their any of you guys who want to have some regular duels or at least see if we can get a little group together of people who are down to play? I'm hoping with the new Quake the duel community will come back again into full force.

If anyone is keen, drop me a message with your steam ID and I'll add you.

8429 Hits
Community driven content. (71 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 12:07 GMT, 15 January 2016 - iMsg
So all trolling aside and negativity, we all know that Quake as whole has been "dying" for years.

The more I use youtube the more I stumble across content created for even less known titles that gain traction because the users are creating content around those said titles.

So twitch streams are all fine and dandy but it's a matter of consistency that's also lacking.

So what types of content would the avid quake watchers like to see?

Fragvideos - We've got plenty of them.
Funny highlight videos.
Quake fails.
Lessons and/or Tutorials.

Any suggestions or ideas would be nice I think, just to try and keep things as fresh as we can.
12028 Hits
Ninox Aurora first thoughts. (72 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 18:53 GMT, 18 March 2015 - iMsg
Well, since my Logitech G100S DIEDEDED. I thought I'd support BST and get myself a Ninox Aurora.

We all know that esreality has mixed emotions in terms of which hardware is best and suited to your own play style, mixed in with a few trolls and some really intelligent hardware aficionados.

Well, I purchased it off of Amazon, and it' arrived promptly, at first glance if you're the type of person who cries tears of pain and hurt when the packaging is not up to par and have the same design aesthetic as the leading brands such as Razer and/or Steelseries then I would wholeheartedly not purchase this mouse.

Now whipping this bad boy out and plugging it in to my PC, I came across a few posts on this forum saying that the software can and will more than likely destroy your mouse, I have installed it, changed the DPI and HZ and it's been working amazingly well for the last few weeks.

Now getting down to the actual mouse, it's light and the build style (shape) is near on perfect for the way I use it, a mixture of claw grip and/normal. The buttons press down really well and the thumb button is really easy to use if you're that type of person, the scroll wheel is smooth as a babies bottom and I can't really fault it. With this build I'm sure in the future if BST gets enough funds he can take this device to the next level and increase the quality. I paid roughly about £20+- and for that price it's been a great purchase.

Cable could do with a change so 5/10
Build Quality could be increased so 6/10
Software looks good, no issues so 8/10
Sensor and tracking 9/10 (The mouse has not once malfunctioned on me, using it on a Razer Sphex skin thingy.)
Price and replacement value 10/10

x 2
76% on my purchase rating yo.
24921 Hits
Movement (18 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 14:25 GMT, 19 January 2015 - iMsg
Anyone have a link to the movement tutorials?
I for the love of me can't remember how to do the jump to RA on aerowalk without RJ.

15511 Hits
ZOWIE AM HATRED (18 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 23:34 GMT, 7 November 2014 - iMsg
Please ESR, help me like this mouse, I've had it for about a year and it's been used maybe 4 times at most, I just can't get the feel of it. It feels not as accurate as my g400s/g100s :(
9459 Hits
Hosting a game (4 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 11:46 GMT, 29 October 2014 - iMsg
just thought I'd share a bit of info, if you're hosting a server and it comes up on the top to say your server is live but still actually loading, quit out of the client with alt + f4 so you don't have to hit the abort key and booom you can host servers with the current broken state of quakelive.
2077 Hits
Vstr up in this bitch. (27 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 07:27 BST, 20 October 2014 - iMsg
Anyone have a vstr script for zooming in and out but 2 levels?
6640 Hits
Nice one ID, Great bans as per usual. (81 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 21:45 BST, 27 July 2014 - iMsg
ID can you explain why you are targeting the SA community in regards to bans?
You're banning everyone without even a valid reason, players have gone out and bought new computers as well as changing ISP's yet your "system" is still saying they hack. Get your shit together please.

inb4 you need to stop hacking, troll bullshit.
11645 Hits
Servers/Placebo affect. (8 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 17:28 GMT, 15 January 2014 - iMsg
Not sure if any UK based players can confirm this but the routing locally is utter horse shit or am I just incredibly high and or semi-retarded?

I'm going down the semi-retarded router tbh.

When I host a server and set it to Germany, I can feel my shots be more consistent, hitting stupid amounts of LG, Direct rockets and Rails, without any real effort. Could it just be the 40-45 ping anti-lag or what ever quake has in place? Hate internet so much.
2825 Hits
Learning C (120 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 21:06 GMT, 25 November 2013 - iMsg
So just a question regarding coding, I need some book recommendations on starting off with C.

So if there are any devs around who can pass on some recommendations be it book/pdfs/blogs regarding the subject that'll be cool.
15930 Hits
Kinzu v2 (5 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 20:20 BST, 8 May 2013 - iMsg
The mouse is working fine, however it won't seem to be detected in windows 7 x64

Keeps on saying that no kinzu is detected, I've even tried steelseries engine and nothing.

anyone come across that yet?
2392 Hits
Football inspiration (6 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 16:25 BST, 11 July 2010 - iMsg
Well during the whole Football world cup it has been very entertaining to see some of the teams come back after the halftime break and completely turn things around.

With that said there should be something like that implemented into quakelive.

Firstly we all know that the "new" maps that will be added will be cool and all but meh.

Now adding a new dynamic feel to the game why dont they just change the layout and location of weapons and powerups in duels? If you play dm6 in tdm the lg is where the pg used to be and vice versa.

Kinda makes a difference i think,and would almost force a new look on how to attack on a map.

Well lets use dm6 as a example,instead of having mega health in the centre rather have a yellow there and floating way above by the jump pad would be mega health.
So you would have to get rl and jump off of the platform to grab mega and land on yellow.

Another thing that could be added is a "half time" setting.
Lets say the duel time stays 10mins blah blah.
5mins of the map goes on and after those first 5mins the whole layout of the map changes?

Funtimes i guess.

Time to go get snacks for the final :D

gl spain,netherlands
2158 Hits
vuvuzela increases accuracy (4 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 21:40 BST, 9 July 2010 - iMsg

Its amazing really i was getting +20% on all guns.
2402 Hits
Servers? (No comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 17:14 BST, 30 June 2010 - iMsg
Does anyone have a list of servers that are based mainly in the UK that are very active?
If so please post them thanks :D
5614 Hits
Pew pew with the ping. (39 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 19:48 BST, 28 June 2010 - iMsg

15ping vs 40ping

What lovely advantages do we see people whine about?

I have to strain and pop a vain to try and just barely keep my lg on about 30+ % cause of my 40-50ping.
Plasma seems to be a bit of a bitch as well.

All depends on the situations though which you could factor into the whole accuracy issue.
Edited by sTPHN at 20:57 BST, 28 June 2010 - 6159 Hits
Why do we love quake live? (89 comments)
Posted by sTPHN @ 13:38 BST, 12 June 2010 - iMsg
Any thoughts as to why all of use enjoy quakelive?

Is it the way people are raging alot more now?

I see alot of rage and it is awesome! :D
18397 Hits
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