Loser:Tak3r wins, Odds: 44% (2.2:1)
Bets placed: E$10514, betting open: 05:41 CDT 24 May 2005 to 12:59 CDT 27 May 2005

Winner:Zacard wins, Odds: 55% (1.8:1)
Bets placed: E$14296, betting open: 05:41 CDT 24 May 2005 to 12:59 CDT 27 May 2005

Last match for these two in the WC3 Pro Series. Zacard has already missed the chance to go to the finals, so the pressure is on Tak3r who's qualified but still can get a better position. Zacard hasn't played that well lately but last weekend's WC3L finals should've given him some practice. Match is to be played May 27 at 2000 CET.