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To Whom It May Concern,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is David Cho, aka DchozN, veteran staff member and newsposter for CS-Nation, Graphic Designer for Amped, and former staff member of Team Sportscast Network to name a few of my positions. Recently, I was hired by the Team 3D organization, an established North American professional gaming organization and was featured in the official Team 3D website.

I am writing on behalf of the Team 3D organization, and am notifying about the recent releases of Team 3D Week In Review video segments. Said productions, released each and every Sunday with an average duration time of 5 minutes, are comprehensive, official videos directed and edited by myself featuring Team 3D, and their performance in recent match play. With over 500,000 downloads across the globe in a span of 2-3 months thus far, hosted by top media websites such as GotFrag?, Amped, CSFlicks, featured on SK-Gaming and numerous other hosts and affiliates, Team 3D Week In Reviews are a great series of official video productions that can help attract attention to both hosts and affiliates and Team 3D itself. Thus, with attractive results, I am writing here today to seek your interest in aiding Team 3D, so that you can be helped in return in terms of more exposure. 500,000 unique downloads speak for itself, so why not help make it 1,000,000? The following is the latest Team 3D Week In Review production (please do not distribute until Sunday and/or without express written permission please):

Thank you for your time.


David Cho aka DchozN