Posting this anonymous but i came across a plugin (createdate 2016) that tracks when RA or mega is picked up (either by you or an enemy) and then counts down when it will respawn.

Won't post the entire source, but basically there is a whitelist array where you put steamids (admin, etc.) for who you want the plugin to give this info (it's invisible to others), and then when it's picked:

self.play_sound("sound/player/talk.ogg", p)
p.tell("^4Mega picked, respawns at: {:02}:{:02}".format(m, s))

and then it countdowns the last 5 seconds.

This means you don't have to time items, you know when an enemy picks up RA/mega and where he is, you can even make the plugin tell you his health/armor/weapon/ammo stats.

Just letting you know there might be servers where admins and some buddies of theirs (or if they pay?) can get an edge with this.