I've been interesting in holding a DC area esports tournament after getting heavy into CSGO ealier this year. Initially I figured CSGO would be the one but after getting into QL recently and thinking about 1v1 intead of 5v5 I think QL may be a better fit. MagFest is coming up in January which would probably be the location though I might do some smaller events leading up to that.

A big part of my interest in esports is teaching others how to get started with a game and build a solid foundation. For example I played CS casually since the beginning but never got into it competitively until this year after finally learning the fundamentals thanks to all of the guides on youtube and the competitive matchmaking mode in CSGO. That has lead me to think that holding some sort of QL bootcamp and beginner tourney for some prizes would be a good idea, and then a separate advanced tournament for money.

Any thoughts, suggestions, etc? Anyone in DC area interested in teaching and/or competing? Obviously I'm at the beginning stages of working out the details but any suggestions would be appreciated.