Schedule: Passed
The company Corsair presents to your attention a series of four Quake Live! Duel tournaments Corsair Saturday Derby, which will be held 23/30 March and 6/13 of April 2013. The tournaments are open to all comers, participation is free of charge. The tournament will include cash and hardware prizes (gaming keyboard Corsair Vengeance K60 / gaming mouse Corsair Vengeance M60). We are waiting for exciting battles between the leading players of the European QL-scene, streams from ua.Shadow and report on our site.
Corsair Saturday Derby #1 - 23 march 2013 - 08:30 CDT, signup here
Stream: uaShadow
Links: RU Announcement, Full rules
Edited by wn at 15:52 CDT, 23 March 2013 - 19975 Hits