The Cretin Club:

And now, some excerpts for teh poor:

"Romanians, like other people from the former Eastern Bloc, are highly-educated, conservative, Christian and European. Romanians come from a Near Eastern culture, unlike the Poles, who are Catholics and Central Europeans, but they bring with them so many qualities that the British seem to produce less often than in the past. Romanian women are womanly (and very often beautiful), Romanian men are virile even if they seem very effete at first sight. Romanians are family minded, esteem education and usually believe in God. Best of all, they come from a part of the world where the 1960s never happened."
"Romanians usually have a very high opinion of England, based partly on books and films. I would expect Romanians to be disappointed by the reality of violent crime, binge drinking, feminism and innumerable rules. Romania, where people smoke in bars and say whatever they like about most things, is a much freer country these days. But no, Romanians usually love England and so they should. Things work in England and people are kind and honest, though the trusting nature of the English provokes wonder and seems naive. Britain is still a wonderful country and London is the only big city in Europe which is not a museum. The small minority of Romanians I spoke to who did not like England gave as their reason the number of non-white people there"
"Unlike Tom, I think Romanian girls are no slouches at knocking them back, but with much more grace than some British girls. Romanian girls are astonishingly often beautiful - Tom is right there - and flirt with the charm and skill of characters from Beaumarchais.

According to Tom:

Romanians are probably the least racist folk in Eastern Europe which is perhaps not saying a great deal....However, two groups are not well-esteemed: Muslims, because of the country's lengthy experience of Ottoman control; and, in particular, gypsies because of their anarchic cheekiness and often disorderly approach to life's everyday matters.

I think Romanians are often fairly racist, but in an old fashioned way, like England in the 1930s, when few Englishmen had ever seen a brown or black man, not like America in the 1930s or Germany in the 1930s. It goes with attitudes like thinking most women who get raped ask for it and other things like that"
"I certainly agree with Tom that Romanians have countless virtues that the English have lost. They believe in God, they are conservative (all but a small but dangerous number of young foreign-educated intellectuals), they are sceptical of authority and they believe in freedom, not in the state. They are, like Gladstone, out and out inegalitarians. They have joie de vivre, even though things here are often very hard indeed. They know how to have fun. They read good books and give good parties. They are romantics and mystics, though they can be very cynical and materialistic. They are formal and polite, though they can jaw-droppingly rude. Dating Romanian girls, an American womaniser once told me, is like dating gorgeous 24 year-old versions of your mother's friends. He knew whereof he spoke"
"Still, the old country is not finished yet. I told a Romanian friend once that in my country adultery and tax evasion were considered rather shocking. She replied:
'It's wonderful knowing that country is there.'
She had a point. My God, how I admire English probity after fifteen years of living here"
"I like the way Romanians assume other Romanians believe in God and are surprised if someone is a Catholic or a Baptist rather than Orthodox. I like their deep knowledge of their mediaeval history and their outspoken national pride, which goes along, unfortunately, with a degree of national self-loathing. I like the sense of common values and social cohesion, despite the lack of values and lack of public spiritedness. Everything in Romania is paradoxical. I like the way people are always scandalised (there is much in Romania to be scandalised by)"