that you can do better?

I think that this is the most used formula by mediocrity when someone is talking in (perceived) negative ways abt. movies, books, Sandra Cocklock etc. This question.

Found through my archives one simple answer written in dubious english, as usual:

Criticising is not a matter of taste but a matter or austerity.
It is ok if you have high expectations. Most people like to pretend they have it too. As long as your expectations doesn't go too high, above their average opinion, you are not endangered by irrational opposition. Don't you dare cross the line between triviality -which basically pushes you into deception -and your own horror when you face things you dislike, or you'll automatically become non-grata person, the despiteful/despicable.
Why would they ask people to respect their opinion when it is very clear that they don't do the same? Asking for someone not to criticize is disrespect for another entitled opinion.
Nietzschenian will at its best.