Scheduled: 08:00 CDT, 5 May 2012 to 13:00 CDT, 5 May 2012
Schedule: Passed

And with the new Quake Live update we start our infected Cup series in Quake Live!
The duel cup starts with a group stage. You can find the rules right here. Please stay stick to the rules to have the best experience in competetion and fun. Infected Gaming now organizes the cups every Saturday and later with some changes, so more players will be able to participate. Don't worry we will inform you about the cups but maybe you should know, how to sign-up. Just check out the cup page to see the wanted chapter.

If there are any questions or if you don't know how to work with the portal, just contact a admin on the IRC (#infectedGaming) or via a private message on our page.

Good luck & fun to all participants!
infected Gaming