I'm currently on a cable connection, and the routing is pretty bad to a lot of locations in many games. My ping was almost half on a DSL connection, the only issue is I can only get a 2mb connection at my place for DSL. I'd be willing to pay the extra $25 a month to have a good ping.

The only thing I'm wondering is how the setup would work. I'd only want games to use the DSL connection, and everything else through my cable connection.

How would I do that? Unless there's software that could do it, my plan right now is to have each connection coming in go through their own router, and to my pc. From there I would block pretty much every port on the DSL one, other than basic thing (like web access), and allow traffic through specific game ports. That way, it would go through the cable connection for everything else. I would also block the game ports on the router hooked up to the cable modem so it would have to go through the DSL connection.

Is there a better solution to this? Is there software I could simply use to direct specific activity to go through specific NICs?

EDIT: Found this but I have no way to test it. http://www.r1ch.net/stuff/forcebindip/