PC is at its end.

I find at least a good argument why PC games won't die. PC games won't die because if all game creators will stop making games to work on the PC, there will appear pretty soon new game creators, companies, who will take their place on the market of PCs. So the very first reason is the greed of actual game companies with background in PC games. They wouldn't wanna loose their 23.4% addition to their income.

Another good reason is that console developers base their development on the leading PC market . The console developers are peaking to PC market every time they have to build a new generation of consoles. A stoppage on the PC development would have a devastating effect on the future consoles industry. They could research on their own, studying what new hardware can do, and how does new graphic cards instructions work, but the costs for these researches would exceed their financial power. Consoles don't have the power to develop at the same rate with PCs, hardware and software wise, because their systems are limited to games, goddammit. Although console players like to announce that PC is dying, compared to the PC, by their very limited area of activity (pretty obvious you don't use sony playstation for CAD purposes or database management or industrialised production, the hell you can't even program games on consoles, only for consoles), consoles will always remain PC's little kid stealing as much as he could from the table where the big boys are eating.

P.S.: jamerio is...