I was thinking it would be a good idea to post a thread related to the technical/under the hood side of rage. We all know its not the next big MP FPS so no point in whining its not this or that, at the very least its a pretty game and someone here could easily mod it into something, or maybe like me you just want to fly around the levels and look at the pretty graphics.


Editor news
Cheats commands
Updated texture packs etc
Links to 3rd party sites that deal in editing for this game.

I have not looked into anything for this game yet (and popped it on for an hour), but my initial interests are (and what I assume others might want to know).

1) How do you access the console/list of cvars?
A) The newest patch to RAGE may disable Dev Console.
2) How do you access the editor?
3) Is the editor a complete overhaul and included?
4) Is it heavily reliant on 3rd party modeling apps?
5) How accessible is Megatexture for the masses over basic U.V.
6) Can you host your own games?
7) make your own test map.

I'm gonna look into some of those base questions tonight and will reply assuming no else does.

Add questions or your own findings in to the related matter!