Hey everybody, the people at http://www.everythingFPS.com/ are going to be hosting a duel tournament in CPM for North Americans.

It's pretty straightforward, show up, do matches, possibly win money. Map picking will be done on a Pick, Pick, Drop, Drop, Drop, Drop, Tiebreaker, remaining map being a "better seed picks first" system.

Official Map pool is:

Signups are due in by Sept. 17th.

The Grand prize (as of right now) is $50 for 1st Place, second place being $25. If we can get 32 signups I will personally throw in $100+ more into the prize pot.

Hope everyone that signs up has an awesome time, and we SHOULD already have 8 signups, if everyone that signed up on the challonge.com page I made signs back up.

Good luck & Have fun!