Maybe I just haven't noticed it before, the map does look familiar and reminds me of something someone put up on the QL forums that you could download and exec through console. called something like dm666. Just wondering if this is only me and I've downloaded some weird custom map a long time ago and forgot or if it's actually an update (since there was a downtime and when I came back on found it there)

Basically, in the practice window there's no option to run the map, but if you enter a game and vote for it, you can play a map called "Hall of Doom" which seems to be yet another rune map. Fairly interesting, fairly big.

I'll add some images in a bit if nobody can be bothered to load it, but was this always in the client or is it new with the maintenance update which just happened?

Okay, screenshots below, but it's a pretty huge map with lots of rooms so couldn't be bothered to take all of them.

edit: okay, what Avenger said with custom content is probably right. I never actually saw this before, haven't downloaded anything and got kicked tonight due to maintenance update so assumed this might be it. I guess I randomly downloaded some [very genuine] looking CTF map, forgot about it and now for some reason shows up in votemap ;[