One of the very few European gamers to have been invited over to South-Korea, Jos "ret" De Kroon, has recently returned from his unique experience with the eSTRO team to join up with the premier Benelux gaming organisation, LowLandLions.

He will be the very first StarCraft player for LowLandLions and with such results as winning the DreamHack Summer 2009 event as well as coming second, only losing to IdrA who is living in South-Korea as we speak, in the ESL Intel Major Series, he is definitely one of the most promising StarCraft players from Europe.

The man himself had the following to say about his move:

" I joined LLL because I think they are a team with a bright future and a lot of potential. I also really like the fact they are based in the benelux, and are able to support me locally. I look forward to working together with Low Land Lions to attend lots of SC2 events in the future and produce SC2 content for the fans of the game."

You can read more about this at the LowLandLions website: LowLandLions announcement.