I went to the super-market today. I was doing normal shopping when I encountered a product from Israel. The product was a food thing called 'salted matzo thins'. I decided to buy it, because i'd rather Israel be supported by choice (through the private sector). When I got home, I noticed on the package it says 'not for passover use' and 'challah has been taken'. I don't know what the fuck challah is, and all I know about passover is its some kind of religious nonsense. It got me thinking... I should invade Poland, turn every cross upside-down and while i'm there, use these matzo thins for passover.

When I told my Bulgarian confidant Teodora about my plan to invade Poland (which, at the time, did not include eating matzo thins), she warned me against it. But what she doesn't know, is that I am powered by Pentagrams, and have been demonically trained in the art of Ninjutsu.

You should always remember, protecting freedom is accomplished by killing freedom.