Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 30 May 2007 to 16:00 CDT, 31 May 2007
Schedule: Passed

The "International eSports Conference" is taking place for the fourth time this year at RheinEnergie Stadion, Cologne, Germany Germany.
"Consisting of three main parts: Conference, Exhibition and Networking. The important subjects of the international esport-Market will be pointed out in the lectures and workshops and furthermore future developments will be discussed. The focus of the conference is aimed at eSport , to make it conceivable as a kind of Sport, to give some new economic impetus by the presentation of current developments, to give the prospects for future technical standards, and to promote good dialogues between the participants of different countries. More than 250 participants and 30 Speakers from Germany and other countries will be expected at this year´s eSports Conference 2007 in Cologne."