Loser:oG to win, Odds: 92% (1:1)
Bets placed: E$41337, betting open: 03:08 CST 8 Jan 2007 to 14:00 CST 8 Jan 2007

Winner:Peacekeepers to win, Odds: 7.1% (13:1)
Bets placed: E$1259, betting open: 03:08 CST 8 Jan 2007 to 14:00 CST 8 Jan 2007

Europe offensive-Gaming cup_gold versus Europe Peacekeepers

Match Time :: 15:00 CDT

Europe Peacekeepers win with 3:1 points

Cynosure][ - Peacekeepers win 5:2
[19:17] PadawaN[*P*] captured the red flag! The blue team scores!
[17:17] -[oG][KaYoZ]- captured the blue flag! The red team scores!
[15:49] [*P*]b%unce` captured the red flag! The blue team scores!
[08:09] PadawaN[*P*] captured the red flag! The blue team scores!
[06:48] Cryth[*P*] captured the red flag! The blue team scores!
[06:00] PadawaN[*P*] captured the red flag! The blue team scores!
[00:07] -[oG][cR4zY-n^]- captured the blue flag! The red team scores!

Artic Glacier][ Clan Edition v1.05 - Draw 2:2
[15:58] PadawaN[*P*] captured the red flag! The blue team scores!
[10:44] REDJVH[*P*] captured the red flag! The blue team scores!
[07:42] -[oG][cR4zY-n^]- captured the blue flag! The red team scores!
[03:10] -[oG][JOJO]- captured the blue flag! The red team scores!

EC Match Page
UTV announced in channel before match time.