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RTCW Alliance Cup Finals Live 21 CET (No comments)
Posted by parcher @ 13:50 CDT, 30 March 2014 - iMsg
Warwitch brings you the finals of the RTCW Alliance Cup tournament tonight at 21 CET/3 EST. Tune into to watch! The match features team Phase vs team Raw. Support RTCW and keep the scene alive!
1297 Hits
Which song is this? (On Zoot's stream) (18 comments)
Posted by parcher @ 13:58 CST, 26 December 2013 - iMsg
Can anyone tell me the name of the song that is played at the start of the stream until zoot starts talking?
6606 Hits
Return To Castle Wolfenstein OSP Cup (46 comments)
Posted by parcher @ 11:43 CDT, 4 October 2012 - iMsg
Ladies and gentlemen, it has been over a decade since the release of Return to Castle Wolfenstein. The game that has inspired us all, the game that spawned Enemy Territory. The time has come to return one last time and fight for glory.

With this cup we want to give the game the celebration it deserves. The aim is to get the old schoolers back for a final blast and show the new kids what a team based game truly is about. Add to that it will be one of the last chances to get your name written in the books of RTCW history!

It is with great proud and honor that we are able to tell you that it is none other than the legendary shoutcaster WarWitch himself that will be taking the stage once more to tell you who killed who and which team is taking home the win.

This cup is open to both North American and European teams. A number of teams have already formed, signed up, or expressed interest in playing. A solution to server location is being worked out to make it best for both European and North American teams.

Links: ClanBase Cup website, mIRC #rtcw.wars, (comments & video teaser)
Edited by Badb0y at 16:52 CDT, 4 October 2012 - 17038 Hits
Gameplay/lag problems (6 comments)
Posted by parcher @ 19:25 CDT, 13 May 2012 - iMsg
Looking for some advice here.

I made a thread a few months back talking about some video lag problems. Well I changed a few settings (500hz usb overlock and cl_maxpackets 60) that helped mask some things but the overall problem is still there. Right now the biggest thing is that something is preventing me from moving properly within the game. My moment is slow and lacks momentum; it feels almost like I'm running on ice. I slide around the map, I can't strafe jump properly, I can't dodge properly, and my rocket jumps have no height.

The low fps feeling I was experiencing while trying to aim was minimized by using 500 hz on my usb port for my mouse.

Recently, I played late at night at 3-4:30 a.m. All of my problems with aiming and movement, video lag, etc were gone. The game felt totally it used to feel.

This problem is hard to solve because I don't have much to go on besides the feeling of lag and that something is not right. Note that it is not lag in terms of a bad ping or bad fps. It's something else. My fps are 125. I'm using a crt with 120hz. And my ping appears to stay constant. This problem started when I moved cities and started using Comcast internet. Had the exact same set up hardware wise in a different city before with no issues.

Since the move, the game has felt like complete shit. And since these problems go away at 3 am ,I'm thinking it has something to do with comcast internet. Especially since that is the only factor that changed. But how can I fix it or figure out what is happening?

Also, there is a definite problem. Not just some imaginary thing.

Thanks for any help.
2352 Hits
IEM5 Cooller vs Strenx casted by czm (6 comments)
Posted by parcher @ 15:04 CST, 27 January 2012 - iMsg
Anyone have a link to the semi final between Cooller and Strenx casted by czm + partner (rapha?) at IEM5?

3528 Hits
Video lag/un-smoothness in QL (35 comments)
Posted by parcher @ 02:59 CST, 19 January 2012 - iMsg
I have what feels like low FPS in quake live. Something that feels like video lag and it can be felt all the time when playing. Sometimes it seems its better than others, or is less apparent. Other times its worse.

It gets really bad in graphic intensive moments like when a lot of rockets are fired in a duel battle or in CA when a lot of people are in one area shooting.

It affects my movement and ability to aim. Basically the game feels like complete shit.

However, my fps are always constant at 125. And I don't seem to have any major connection issues. Although this problem seemed to have started after i switched to Comcast. I went to a friend's house to connect with his AT&T dsl, and still have the video lag issues.

Can anyone help with this?
13646 Hits
Good Cooller stories/historical anecdote (25 comments)
Posted by parcher @ 18:24 CDT, 12 August 2011 - iMsg
I'm pretty new to the quake scene, but casually following various tournaments this past year or so has made me a huge quake fan.

In reference to Rapha's most recent interview where he talked about the charismatic and intriguing personalities of quake, does anyone have any good stories or anecdotes about Cooller or any of the other big names in quake from recent times or from the earlier eras?

I know there have been a lot of epic, memorable moments involving a lot of these big personalities especially Cooller.. Anyone have anything to share?
15465 Hits
Quakecon Schedule of QL games? (3 comments)
Posted by parcher @ 10:15 CDT, 3 August 2011 - iMsg
Where can I find a schedule of the TDM/Duel tournament for quakecon? IE. when the games are going to be played, what days, or even when everything starts???

Couldn't find it on the quakcon site but maybe overlooking it. Are there games being played tomorrow?

Thanks for any help
1347 Hits
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