It's kinda interesting... I've never really liked the idea of blogs or diaries or journals or whatever. I mean ok, nothing against people who run them, but it's nothing interesting for me. Most of those are actually pseudo-intelectual-artistic bullshit written by 14-years old numb teenagers who listen to too much of Nirvana and all those dumb bands that make you think "nobody understands me, I'm such a great individual, I guess I'm gonna kill myself" or whatever.

But WTF am I writing this? I dunno... Maybe because I've noticed that my last update was so long ago.

Anyway, I'm glad Cooller won. Because freeq lost his money and I gained a lot ;) And anyway... I thought that Cooller has a lot more experience in acutally WINNING the big tournaments than czm does. Czm is kinda n00b for all those big events. OK OK, I know, he's been here for a long time, prolly much longer than Cooller, but we've never seen him as a real triumphator. And do you remember QCon 2003 (I guess 2003)? When Daler was such a great underdog.. He never really made it to be first, LeXeR owned him, partially by his experience. And that's what I'm talking about. Even if some people do come out of darkness and make a big success they never really win a big tournament. They can get second.

OK, I know it's all bullshit. But that's because my neighbour was having a small party here and I'm a bit drunk now. But we have celebrated my win on Cooller's bet and that's the best thing that happened to me this day. ;) Let me be happy.
