CPMA just works flawlessly.
QL experience: it stutters no matter what. Wasn't able to beat this problem and deleted it. I don't get it, why people are playing THIS? It's not quake. It's creep.
7024 Hits
What is OpenArena?
OpenArena is an open-source content package for Quake III Arena licensed under the GPL, effectively creating a free stand-alone game. You do not need Quake III Arena to play this game.
The competitive Q3/QL/QC community(ies) should abandon the closed sourced abandonware versions of the games in favour of putting their efforts behind a competitive focussed open sourced project.
That way they won’t be reliant on the whims of mega corporations like Microsoft/Bethesda/id or face a situation like the various Unreal Tournament communities are (where the products have been pulled from purchase and master servers shutdown etc.).