Clan2ex has released their third Q3 movie. The movie starts of with member introductions with sharp editing all synched up to the soundtrack. Next scene is something that has not been seen in any existing q3 movie - it's been done for the first time here.
The frag scenes have some amazing frags by Djhell, who has played TDM for the Belgian national squad. The frags build up to some amazing quad runs before finishing off with a very inspiring finale!If you have seen any of the previous 2eX movies, this is a major improvement over them. The hard to find girls are still there, how many can you spot first time round without freeze framing? You can read the movie FAQ here. Another Li nk Blueyonder
Couldnt have as mirror due to length]
The frag scenes have some amazing frags by Djhell, who has played TDM for the Belgian national squad. The frags build up to some amazing quad runs before finishing off with a very inspiring finale!If you have seen any of the previous 2eX movies, this is a major improvement over them. The hard to find girls are still there, how many can you spot first time round without freeze framing? You can read the movie FAQ here. Another Li
- Movie File ( 182MB
- (2229 clicks)
- (2467 clicks)
Edited by wn at 22:01 CDT, 24 April 2012 - 78828 Hits
Couln't sleep, decided to check out ESR, and what do you know, a movie masterpiece is posted :)