Quakecon arrives once again as is tradition at every summer’s year. The most elite Quake players from all around the world will come to
Dallax, Texas for a chance to compete for
$200,000 in prizepools. Be sure not to miss the best of the best playing in the
2v2 TDM Open Tournament followed by the
Duel Showdown. This is also the second time ever that
Quake champions is gonna be featured as the main game for the e-sports part of the event. Stay tuned for more details.
QuakeCon 2018 will be held from August 9th to 12th, in Dallas, TX at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center
Thursday, August 9
• Nothing whatsoever
Friday, August 10
• 19:00 BST – Quake Champions – QuakeCon Open 2v2 Matches Begin
Saturday, August 11
• All Day: Quake Champions QuakeCon Open 2v2 Matches
• 22:15 BST – Quake Champions QuakeCon Collegiate 2v2 Finals
• 23:30 BST – Quake Champions QuakeCon Open 2v2 Finals
Sunday, August 12
• All Day: Quake Champions QuakeCon Open 1v1 Duel Showdown
• 22:30 BST – Quake Champions QuakeCon 1v1 Finals
2v2 TDM Open
-Double elimination Qualifier that stops once top 8 teams are determined (4 teams in upper and 4 teams in lower brackets )
-Matches are played Bo3.
-Frag Limit: 50 Frags
-Time Limit: 15 Minutes
-Maps: Blood Covenant, Blood Run, Corrupted Keep, Ruins of Sarnath, Awoken, Tempest Shrine, Molten Falls
-Single Elimination Playoffs & Finals
-8 teams in the finals
-Each match in playoffs is best of 5, Finals match is best of 7
-8 Teams comprised of top 8 2v2 teams from Saturday
-Single Elimination
-Best of 1 Map
-Bracket seeds will be determined by placement in the 2v2 cup
-Players will occupy the opposite side of the bracket as their teammate
Team Liquid - rapha, DaHanG
Blind Trust - toxjq, clawz
Myztro CIS - Xron, Silencep
BIG - Av3k, K1llsen
AMD - Cooller, cnz
Corvidae - dandaking, Steej
Myztro EU - spart1e, Raisy
cha1n and whaz - whaz, cha1n
Myztro UKSA - GarpY, dooi
Quaker orbs - Effortless, venOm
Turtle Recall - Psygib, festiveturtle
RESPECT THE PACO - daphne, uNleashed
JP Tears - Moejiro, PoNz
Paradise Lost - br1ck, phazon
Play to improve - Bursdirverx, lithz
Ascent - deathr0w, pie_hero
REunite - monne, sups
White Goodman's GloboGym Exp - gelleshak, ScizR
Lobotomy boys - seth, deXon
Washed - bootmode, sen
South Pole National Team - Glirdyg, konex
Waifus4life - Canibalcrab, PeasAndClams
C58.CG - Base, VengeurR
Border boys - flame, mojo
Aeroboys - Ruleth, Vedemedik
Chocolate Train - deth, LoSt-CaUzE
2MuchWin - deflector, okih
[a2m] - BouvToTheMax, fragtastic
Cold Blooded Executioners - John, zombie
Death Row - Bigworm, sugeKnight
Darkside - Reflux, XZIST
CuteBoys420 - ChaceHil , Persistenc3
FREEDOM 35 - ButaneDragon, HIspanicTwist
Fully Loaded - dzL, rastsy
in[10]sity - VAVAlo, zildjian
Medicated Mercenarys - booboy, haight
Pizza Time - DragonGin, HellKnightKilla
RUN THE QUADS - alvy , discoRyne
Scott's Tots - Disciple027 , EscaFlowne
Suck it Trebek - BPSkibbenheims, Shvok
Team Kru - dramiS, sib_
The Inklings - FernieLoL, YumYum
Open 2v2 TDM:
1st $60,000
2nd $30,000
3rd-4th $15,000
5th-8th $8,700
9th-16th $2,500
Duel Showdown:
1st $25,000
winner takes all
(obligatory replace zoot with ddk comment)
Brackets: 2v2 Qualifier,
2v2 playoff,
Duel Showdown
Live streams: Quake,
Links: Quakecon Home,
Quakecon ESL,
VODS: 102
(Tournament starts tomorrow)
If you like ins insight, you may want to read his predictions for the tournament here:http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqk9ct