That was his only words.
Funny story ain't it?
Edited by _gory at 09:58 CDT, 9 May 2016 - 66700 Hits
Never tell your password to anyone.Day2:
Monday, August 15, 2016
SPNT: faggot
qr: hey *******
qr: how have you been?
SPNT: i hve your ip address
qr: cool
qr: you gonna come lan?
SPNT: no more hiding like a little bitch
SPNT: sure
SPNT: which lan
qr: the one in the RV that i live in
SPNT: whatever kid
SPNT: if u want me to come fuck you up
SPNT: i will
SPNT: dw
qr: pls
qr: it will be fun :D
SPNT: what a faggot
SPNT: go fucking kill yourself
qr: why
SPNT: hope you get cancer like youre mother
qr: id miss out on LANing with you
SPNT: dont know how you found my name but ill find yours
SPNT: dont worry bud
qr: its nate
SPNT: we will see eachother soon
SPNT: you faggot bitch nigger
qr: i was at quakecon you can see me on VODs
SPNT: yea and u got raped
SPNT: fucking retard
SPNT: u werent winning shit
SPNT: i wouldve got top 10
SPNT: but ur trash
qr: wouldve been cool to see you ther
SPNT: i would fuck you up irl and in game
qr: i bet
SPNT: so stfu fag
qr: k
SPNT: useless cunt
qr: cya around buddy
SPNT: dont talk shit again
SPNT: fucking loser noob
SPNT: hope you get cancer faggot
qr: there's worse ways to go
qr: you going to quakecon next year?
SPNT is now playing Quake Live. Click here to join.
SPNT: yes i be there
SPNT: to kick youre ass for talking shit
qr: cool
SPNT: and rape you in game
qr: then we go to the bar?
SPNT: weak dumb faggot
SPNT: ill kick youre ass where ever dude
SPNT: it dont matter
SPNT: if u want bar
SPNT: ok
qr: lets do it at quakecon
SPNT: scared pussy
SPNT: u talk a lotof shit online
qr: i do?
SPNT: but irl you probly scared as fuck
qr: what did i say
SPNT: u trying to act lik youre smarter then me
SPNT: dont play dumb
qr: why would i do that
qr: im your biggest fan
SPNT: your a faggot
qr: just cause i like getting pegged doesnt make me a fag
SPNT: if uu already know i would fuck your shit then why talk so much
qr: im just hoping you will =]
SPNT: alright fuck off
SPNT: you really are a faggot
SPNT: holy shit
SPNT: kill yourself
qr: you need a hug?
SPNT: not from you
SPNT: stupid fag
SPNT: go hug youre dad when he fucks you at night
SPNT: and rapes you
qr: i do regularly
qr: and its not rape if i enjoy it
SPNT: what a fag LOL
qr: helps me sleep ez
SPNT: so why dont you kys why keep being a fag
qr: kys?
SPNT: being fag is the worst
SPNT: thing in the wolrd
SPNT: you fucking waste of oxygen
SPNT: why do i have to share
SPNT: with faggots
SPNT: jesus
SPNT: why didnt they just abort you
qr: you live far enough away that its probably getting recycled by some vegetation before it reaches you
qr: dont worry
SPNT: or strangle you at birth
qr: they tried
qr: i was born with a coat hanger through my forehead
SPNT: yea i bet
qr: also have the shape of the heel of a doc martin on the back of my skull
SPNT: alright kid just stfu
SPNT: stop talking
SPNT: your a fag
qr: you messaged me =]
SPNT: why u keep talking
SPNT: lmao
SPNT: u not funny
SPNT: and your gay
SPNT: like holy shit
qr: gay isnt funny?
SPNT: nah
SPNT: u fags need to be exterminated
SPNT: why we waste resources on you
SPNT: i dont fucking know
qr: i be suckin up all your proteins
SPNT: thats not all you suck you faggot
qr: i think my joke went over your head
SPNT: like i said
SPNT: you arent funny
SPNT: fuck off you retard fag
qr: you made the same joke i did
qr: so if my joke isnt funny, then yours isnt either
SPNT: doesnt matter
SPNT: your still a worthles fagot at t the end of the day
SPNT: you need to killl yourself
SPNT: dont infect
SPNT: others
qr: someone will have to come into contact with me when they dispose of my body
SPNT: so
SPNT: or
SPNT: u can dig a ditch
SPNT: lay in it
SPNT: and shoot yourself
SPNT: then have ur faggot father
SPNT: fill in the dirt
SPNT: for you
qr: thats a pretty good plan
SPNT: no one knows
SPNT: do it
SPNT: for humanity
SPNT: dont infect others
SPNT: with your faggotry
qr: oh ive already done plenty of that :p
SPNT: wwow
SPNT: thats sad
SPNT: your evil
SPNT: and a faggot
SPNT: well
SPNT: your going to hell
SPNT: regardless
SPNT: just for being a fag
SPNT: but now
SPNT: u will burn
SPNT: even more
SPNT: i bet
qr: you think there's an afterlife?
SPNT: yea
SPNT: u going to hell
SPNT: dumb fag
qr: that makes suicide much easier
SPNT: u and ur fag family need to kill yourselfs
SPNT: youre whole family is fag i bet
SPNT: get some rope
SPNT: and neck that shit
SPNT: u will be doing
SPNT: a big favor
SPNT: to us all
SPNT: you people are cancer
qr: wanna come watch me do it after we LAN?
SPNT: and have no value
SPNT: after talking i honestly dont want to touch you or kick youre ass
SPNT: i might become
SPNT: a fag
SPNT: like you
SPNT: so no
SPNT: i dont want to look at you
qr: that would be a dream come true :D
SPNT: look man
SPNT: it will be quick
SPNT: just get that rope
SPNT: for you and youre family
SPNT: cause at this point they all infected
SPNT: with fag
SPNT: just kill all of you
qr: are you about to play jochs?
SPNT: and if there some nigger in the family
SPNT: kill that shit especially
SPNT: fuck niggers
qr: my cousins are black
SPNT: goo
SPNT: good
SPNT: kill those niger
SPNT: niggers
SPNT: its better for us all
SPNT: there too many of nigger in america now
SPNT: this country
SPNT: was so good
SPNT: before nigger came and took our money
SPNT: andjok
SPNT: and jobs
SPNT: like asians
SPNT: and jews
qr: didnt white people bring them here?
SPNT: and arabs
SPNT: all of you
SPNT: colored people
SPNT: not white
SPNT: need to leave
SPNT: holy fuck
qr: im white, can i stay?
SPNT: dumb niggers chinks asians and sand niggers
SPNT: all need to die
SPNT: and leave
SPNT: u cant
qr: die then leave?
SPNT: u are a fag
SPNT: all fags need to leave
SPNT: better yet
SPNT: just kill them all
SPNT: jesus
SPNT: they only infect
SPNT: our children
SPNT: with fag
qr: do you take benadryl?
SPNT: and more fags spawn
SPNT: you people are cancer
SPNT: no i dont
SPNT: take drugs
SPNT: im not some retard
SPNT: anyway
SPNT: they need
SPNT: to round up you niggers chinks, sand niggers, and fags and kill you all
qr: we've covered this
qr: i got the memo
qr: brb 30 sec
SPNT: they did it good in nazi
SPNT: killed all those jew niggers
qr: not all of them