The highlights of this update include the addition of combat oriented awards, XP system, and persistent player stats.
Links: Reflex Forums, Steam News
New Supporter Weapons:
- As voted by the public, we have released two new supporterr Melees: Short Sword and Mjolnir
Added Awards:
- We've added 44 awards which are awarded for doing various cool things in game.
- There's an award screen which you can use to see what they are and which one's you've received.
Added XP system:
- XP is earned by receiving awards. XP is a fun stat which gives you progression for playing Reflex, and allows you to see how long your opponents have played Reflex too. We'd like to attach XP to player drops further down the line.
Added Steam Stats Integration:
- We've added some fun statistics to allow you to track your adventures through Reflex.
UI improvements:
- Added KillFeed with lots of new unique death SVGs
- Added SVGs for each custom melee weapon! You can see this in the weapon rack & the kill feed.
- Added Profile Tile to main screen
Replay editor:
- Added re_setfov & re_setfovlerp -- you can now specify FOV for your key frames.
General Improvements:
- m_advanced_acceleration now handles negative numbers
- cl_country is now flood protected
Bug fixes:
- Fixed spawn issue which was favouring wrong spawn when NO valid spawns were found (really this only happened in test/empty maps)
- Flags should now appear on pickup list in competitive mode
- Added skeleton arm mesh - MAD_JIHAD request
Lua improvements:
- Added Lua var player.weapon[].isAllowed which indicates if you're in a weapon restrictor
- SVGs can now scale in Lua without a huge performance cost
- SVGs can now be blurred (they are converted to single colour in the progress)
- Exposed nvgLineHeight()
- Added weaponDefinitions table so you don't need a player to get weapon name & colours
- Added global steamId of local player
- Large avatar of local player is now available
Gameplay (changes pulled from experimental to core):
- Ramp fix
- Melee trace range 64 -> 80 units
- Melee trace radius 8 -> 12 units
- Rocket explosion radius 96 -> 112 units
- Spawn LOS check angle 120 -> 360 degrees
- Spawn LOS distance 768 -> 1000 units
Gameplay changes:
- Casual TDM is reduced from 15 to 10 minutes
- Weapon respawn is now 25 seconds in competitive TDM mode
Experimental changes:
- Plasma cell speed changed from 3000ups -> 1500ups
- Plasma cell damage changed from 12 -> 15
- Shotgun reload changed from 1000ms to 800ms
- Flag drag, over 640 ups your speed will be limited with flag. After feedback here :)
- Reverted previous IC changes, going to try something else in the future.
Links: Reflex Forums, Steam News
Edited by entik at 05:07 CDT, 2 June 2016 - 30335 Hits