The server was always filled and had quite some good games.
The 2 servers are now:
* oMg CTF 20 min (1) Classic (classic mode - no item timers)
* oMg CTF 20 min (2) Normal (QL steam noob mode)
I've copied over the ban/alias/admin database from the first server, so affected bans are also applied on the second server.
For people not familiar with our bot config:
The bot tracks quitters during game and it set to give you a warning when you reach a ratio of quitting. The minmum amount of games played in order for this to activate is 15.
The warning treshold is 0.58.
The ban treshold is 0.48.
The bot _CAN_ do forced balanced based on shuffle, but it's disabled, at first we enabled it, but since you all know, ELO only works for 1v1/CA. It's somewhat an indication for CTF.
So the bot can still _SUGGEST_ which players should be swapped, but please do use common sense and don't rely on the bot's suggestion alone.
(minimum difference in ELO for in order the bot to suggest a swap is currently set to 100. Default was 25)
Furthermore, to prevent aliassing cunts, I've set the minimum account age to 60 days.
Better would be 'minium time played', since that is harder to achieve than just creating an account and let it get older. (Yes, people actually do that)
I've spoken to the developer and he might change it later on.
The bots are also broadcasting the server's chat to IRC:
#omega.broadcast and #omega.broadcast2.
Do mind that everything you say in those channels, is also broadcasted back to Quake Live.
At the moment there is no minium ELO required to join.
For any suggestions or complaints: #omega on quakenet.
Admins on server 1: Luna, fo_tbh, Q50, sno, aza, Lysop, Uniq
Admins on server 2: Luna, fo_tbh, Q50, sno, aza, Lysop, Uniq
List of commands (not complete):
Have fun!
Edited by oMg>LunatiC at 09:43 CDT, 4 June 2015 - 20909 Hits